La Casa del Cuscinetto: Concessionario ufficiale SKF

La Nuova Casa del Cuscinetto S.r.l.
Via della Tecnica, 13/a
09030 Elmas (Cagliari) - Italy

Telefono: +39 070 240226 +39 070 240226
Fax: +39 070 240741 +39 070 240741
Whatsapp: +39 391 3275986 +39 391 3275986

VAT r.n. IT01846730925
CCIAA Cagliari R.N. 146147
Share Capital € 52.000,00 I.V.
Certification 9001:2008

SKF Training Courses

Courtesy of SKF The performance and durability of bearings does not depend solely on the quality of the bearings themselves, but also on numerous other factors that it is essential to understand fully.

For this reason, the SKF Service Unit organizes training courses for anyone who works closely with bearings. The courses last between two and three days.
Theory lessons and practical exercises are held in fully equipped teaching labs to help participants develop a thorough understanding of bearings, the equipment they form part of and how to mount and unmount them, as well as lubrication, sizing and control techniques. Participants are also given an awareness of the various industrial sectors in which bearings are used.

On request, entry-level courses can be designed to meet specific training requirements.

The four areas of expertise

The SKF program is sub-divided into four sections, each of which covers specific learning objectives: Maintenance; Reliability and Diagnosis; Design, and Maintenance Engineering.
For each area, a detailed breakdown is supplied to illustrate the general outcomes and the relevant application environment. Each course is identified by a unique code. By clicking on the hyperlinks below, you can learn in more detail about the programs, objectives, dates, duration and costs.

 Reliability and Diagnosis
 Maintenance engineering