Industrial Spare Parts
The SKF Group - www.skf.com |
The SKF Group is an international manufacturing and marketing organization comprising around 200 different companies and 85 manufacturing facilities, covering more than 130 countries in total. The SKF sales force has over 200 dedicated outlets, and SKF products are sold through more than 10,000 spare parts resellers. SKF bearings are available worldwide and are backed up by a global technical support network.
Alongside roller bearings, SKF also manufactures linear motion couplings, ball joints, supports, ball and roller screws, components for textile machinery, special components for aeronautical applications, anchoring seals, machine tools and a wide range of precision mechanical components. The experience that SKF has built up in these areas has allowed the company to become a world leader in the design, manufacture and application of cutting-edge engineering solutions.
La Casa del Cuscinetto is an authorized distributor of SKF automobile and industrial spare parts.
Timken - www.timken.com |
Henry Timken designed and patented the original tapered roller bearings in 1898. For the company's 21,000 employees as for its clients, he defined the standard of innovation to which the business continues to strive and which has made The Timken Company a byword for quality. Whenever you see the Timkin brand, you can be sure that your bearings will deliver the levels of performance you expect from a world leader.
As a manufacturer of high-quality steel alloys, Timken ensures consistent standards in the steel components it produces. Timken products conform to ESR (electroslag remelting) specifications, whereby the length of the rollers and rails can be increased, allowing, in turn, the load-bearing capacity to be boosted.
Through Timken's worldwide network of service centers, customers receive rapid, efficient support wherever they are. With 155 manufacturing facilities, offices and distribution hubs in 25 nations across six continents, the company's sophisticated distribution systems make it easy for clients around the globe to put their trust in Timken for all their bearing requirements.
Timken engineers work closely with their customers to ensure that the most appropriate solution is deployed time after time.
Loctite - www.loctite.com |
Loctite specializes in cutting-edge research, design, development and manufacturing. With customers in over 80 countries, Loctite has consolidated an enviable reputation as a manufacturer of innovative, hi-tech adhesives, sealants and chemical products. Far from resting on its laurels, Loctite endeavors at all times to remain highly innovative and has seven research centers in various locations around the globe for this very purpose.
Henkel - www.henkel.it |
Henkel opera a livello mondiale con marchi e tecnologie leader in tre settori di attività: Detergenza, Beauty Care, Adesivi e Tecnologie.
Fondata nel 1876, Henkel detiene posizioni di leadership sul mercato mondiale sia nel segmento dedicato ai consumatori sia in quello rivolto alle industrie, con marchi di fama internazionale come Persil, Schwarzkopf e Loctite.
Henkel, la cui sede centrale si trova a Düsseldorf, in Germania, impiega circa 47.000 persone nel mondo ed è una delle multinazionali tedesche più presenti sui mercati mondiali. Nel mondo ogni giorno le persone ripongono fiducia nei marchi e nelle tecnologie Henkel.
MEGADYNE - www.megadynesd.com |
MEGADYNE has the right belt for you if you need:
- High-power transmissions
- Precision transmissions
- Variable-speed transmissions
- Miniature transmissions
MEGADYNE belts deliver the highest possible levels of performance that rubber technology can offer:
- Durability
- Dimensional stability
- Oil resistance
- Dispersal of electro-static charges
- Heat resistance
MEGADYNE is authorized to use the API logo on its belts, because, since 1953, those belts have conformed to the rigorous standards of the American Petroleum Institute.
CFG - www.cfg.it |

CFG manufactures chemical products for automobile, industrial, mechanical and naval maintenance. The product range includes enamels, sprays, detergents and cleaners for use on various materials.
Shaft seal CR - SKF |
CR Industries was founded in America in 1878 under the name Chicago Rawhide, but has been part of the SKF Group since 1990. Initially, the company specialized in the transformation of leather into transmission belts, one of the catalysts for the remarkable industrial development of the Midwest. In the early 20th century, CR worked closely with Henry Ford and other pioneers of the automobile on the manufacture of leather products for use in the first cars. In 1928, CR patented the first self-contained shaft seal, designed for use in wheel bearings.
Today, CR is the world number one supplier of seal solutions for trucks, cars, agricultural equipment and machine tools. The company also manufactures seals for use in aerospace systems, earth-moving machinery and domestic appliances, as well as for pumps, hydraulic systems, engines and accessories. The CR range includes more than 200 types of seals, with over 3,000 standard dimensions and more than 10,000 variants for shafts of between 3mm and 4,500mm.
CR is committed to continuously improving the performance and reliability of its products. The new products it is now making for the car industry - along with the development of new production processes - will further extend the company's reach. CR's high-quality products have received official recognition from 200 companies.
Chiaravalli Trasmissioni - www.chiaravalli.it |
Chiaravalli Trasmissioni S.p.A. has been a leading company in the field of power transmission components.
The company's industrial activity is supported by the marketing of technical items manufactured by the leading European and overseas companies.
Sampla Belting - www.sampla.it |
La gamma dei prodotti Sampla Belting è fornisce un supporto totale nel campo del trasporto a nastro
e delle trasmissione di potenza, oltre ad una completezza ed una articolazione che pur essendo un punto di arrivo
diventa invece uno stimolo per la continua ricerca del proprio esclusivo primato e punto di riferimento per la concorrenza
più qualificata.
SMC - www.smcitalia.it |
SMC è leader mondiale nella produzione di componenti pneumatici per automazione industriale.
Con 11.000 prodotti base e più di 620.000 varianti SMC, I trattamento dell'aria, strumentazione e attraverso valvole e attuatori,
offre soluzioni per ogni singola fase del processo di automazione.
SMC è stata fondata nel 1959, a Tokyo (Giappone), come produzione e vendita di filtri ed elementi
filtranti in metallo sinterizzato. L'evoluzione da pneumatica di base a soluzione più sofisticate di automazione ha
garantito a SMC il raggiungimento della quota di mercato globale del 30% e del 60% nel mercato giapponese.
Con sede a Tokyo, SMC conta 400 uffici commerciali in 82 paesi di tutto il mondo, offrendo soluzioni di automazione in tutti i 5 continenti
e una forza vendita di 4.800 tecnici commerciali sempre in stretta comunicazione coi clienti.
SMC si distingue non solo come fornitore unico e globale, ma anche come sinonimo di innovazione. Per il terzo anno consecutivo, Forbes
ha annoverato SMC nella lista delle 100 aziende più innovative al mondo.
Grazie a 33 unità produttive in tutto il mondo e alla rete globale, SMC garantisce in modo costante la fornitura di prodotti
di alta qualità e innovativi in qualsiasi parte del mondo.
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